
Monday, April 19, 2010

All Kinds of Fabulous for $2

I have a split personality as a mom. I think it stems from my childhood.

The house I grew up in was the last house on a dead-end street. This definitely came with street game perks. However, it had some flaws: like when your mom tells you to only play on the street and the only kids on the street your age are boys. Let’s just say I’m comfortable hanging with the guys. I grew up on Around the World, Ghostman Baseball, and Any-Eye-Over. That’s right…I’ve been known to huck a tennis ball over a house. But when the sun went down, or on Sunday afternoons, I loved my girlie things. I loved Barbies, dolls, and doing my sisters’ hair.

So I’m thrilled to be a mother of a boy. But, I’m just as happy to be girlie with my girls. And today, we’re going back to my girlie days… 80s style.

My parents live across the street from a woman who owns a girlie boutique. This means that when my mom comes to visit, she brings many wonderful girlie things from Heather. We have countless bows, headbands, hats, and shoes that squeak, but my fave right now have to be my Babylegs.

Yep! Lovingly known as leg warmers. My little girls wear a pair almost every day. It’s nice for diaper changes with the baby. Plus I’ve never been a fan of tights on an infant. The tight makers have never quite mastered the leg length and they just end up looking funny. So my baby girl even sports her leg warmers to church. It’s also been nice with my 2 y/o. She loves to wear dresses and skirts. When this Spring weather goes between hot and cold in one day, it doesn’t affect her. Plus, it’s made potty training very nice (no pants or tights to pull down when we’re in a quick dash for the toilet).

So imagine my excitement when I came across a quick and easy way to make more legwarmers for my girl. I ran to Target to see if it was true. In the women’s hosiery section is a basket of patterned knee socks for $2. That’s right! We’re making all kinds of fabulous for $2.

Here are the ingredients:

1 pair of women’s socks


needle and thread

1. Take your sharp, only for fabric, scissors and make a straight cut at the bottom of the sock, just above the ankle.

2. Turn the sock inside out.

3. Hem the sock using a whip stitch. (Don’t panic! It’s not as hard as it sounds. If you’re a visual learner, click to check out this video how to).

4. Turn the legwarmer back out and put it on those cute little legs.

Now she can twirl in style...with warm legs.

I think these would look especially cute

with this no sew tutu from Noreen:


  1. I love these Deb!! These also work well as arm warmers is your little girl thinks she's a rock star!!!

  2. Um...I think I am making them for the boys...shhh don't tell....they don't have to know that its only a girly thing!! Gosh dangit..could you loan me a girl!?!?

  3. My family played any-eye over for family home evening! Good memories!!!
