
Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Fairy Tale

Now that the Easter Bunny has made his way through our home, it's time for some new friends to come for a visit. This is a fun way to get your children's imaginations running. I read about this idea from my friend Megan and her 4 Girlies and decided we needed to give this a try.

I went to Michael's and found these cardboard houses and colored stones. I cut doors in the houses to welcome the fairies and let the kids start their painting.

I am a mom to 3 girls AND one boy who truly couldn't be more boy. However we did get him excited about this project by offering the right kind of paint color for his AND, I promised him that only boy fairies/gnomes would stay in his home. Afterall, boy fairies wouldn't want to stay in a pink house so they need a place to stay. He was willing to help out.

When the houses were dry, they were ready to be put outside. For our Fairy Garden, we chose a long planter box that would fit the 3 houses. We planted ground cover to make it pretty and used the colored stones to create pathways. We wanted the fairies to feel welcomed and know that this was a safe place to spend the night, so we put out signs.

The best part comes when the kiddos are sleeping...The Pixie Dust! I use glitter to let the kids know that a fairy has stayed in their home. In the mornings, they love to go and check the front porch to look for any evidence of fairies. The Boss was happy to see blue fairy dust around his home. I used this super fine glitter that I found at Walmart. It's from the Martha Stewart line. It's perfect for Pixie Dust.

Going back to check my friends site, I saw that she had taken this idea further for the Holidays. Keep this idea in mind. I love it!

When my brother-in-law saw our Fairy Land, he suggested the next book we read together as a family should be Fablehaven .


  1. Do you think this would work well as an herb garden and they can be the herb fairies that come by and grow the herbs? Of course I'm talking about the kind you cook with, not the kind you smoke.

  2. Could one of you come by and plant my herbs for the season in my planter boxes? I would like sage, rosemary, basil and some of the kind you smoke. Oh, and the fairies and gnomes can help too.

  3. Herbs are a great idea! No thyme Heather? (I guess that works both ways - song and time. Now I'm just cracking myself up).
