
Monday, October 25, 2010

Haunted Houses


It's that time of year...

The bags of Trick or Treating candy have been bought ahead of time. They've been sitting patiently. And then...

I'm blaming Him (the hubs). He opened the bag, not me. I was going to be good this year. I was going to save all that for them. But when a bag is open, I just can't resist the Snickers. They scream at me every year. I don't buy them throughout the year for this very reason. Willpower...or lack there of. So if you knock on my door on Sunday, don't be disappointed if you don't get a Snickers. I can guarantee Almond Joy though. (maybe I can entice my mom with a visit now. She's they only one I know who craves those).

My kiddos have been busy this week and it's been fun!

Remember these from the Spring. This week we made them Haunted.

It all started with these materials:

* paint and brushes
* battery lights/candles
* ghosts and skeletons
* wood lattice for our fence
* wood coffin
* wood houses

I bought everything at Michael's. I went there to buy the same houses that I used for the Fairy Houses. Those are thick cardboard for $1.99 each. I had visions of cutting windows and doors on angles to help make the Haunted effect. But then I saw these wooden houses. It was a little more, but I couldn't resist (plus let's be honest - it meant less work for me). So we went with orange paint for our houses.

Then the kids went to work.

We lined the outside of the flower pot with the broken lattice. I just broke it with my hands to give that dilapidated look. We put some branches in the back for trees. We put the coffin coming out of the ground with a skeleton inside. And we used some of our left over orange marbles for our porches.

They look awesome at night!

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween
from The Idea Attic!

1 comment:

  1. I have the same problem but with milk duds, snickers, ummm pretty much everything! Almond joys though, you're momma can have those! The project looks cute...uh I mean scary!
