
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Family Time Around the Dinner Table

You'll have to excuse me for not actually making something this week. I'm on vacation visiting some family for Thanksgiving and I didn't bring my crafting supplies with me. Not to mention we are all "hunkering" down waiting for the worst blizzard in 30 years and so when I was running errands today, I decided to stock up on food and DVD's instead of crafting items.

I did, however, visit with one of the other contributors to this blog and it was a fun reunion! And if you remember my post from last week when I talked about living on a cul-de-sac with my college roommates and their families?...yep, we brought up the idea again, and again the husbands didn't look too excited (wait, I take that back. HER husband was totally excited, but this is the same man that picks purses out for her and she really loves them....i need her husband to give tips to mine.) But I digressed.

Anyway, this past week my kids were fighting about the iPhone App coasters (click here for that post). They were "dibs-ing" the one they wanted. In order to keep the peace, I came up with a little game that they all loved and they beg to do it every night now. (What have I done?)

I turn all the coasters upside down and they choose one. Each app icon represents a question I'm going to ask them about their day and it's exciting to hear what they have to say. So here are my questions to each app....I'll start from the top left icon and move across.

(under the glass) Message Icon: If you could text message Mommy or Daddy during school today, what would you have said?

Camera Icon: Think of your whole day and try to remember something you would have loved to take a picture of. Describe it to us.

Picture Icon (flower): Can you remember a time that a picture was taken of you? Describe the time/place/event and what you can remember about it.

Facebook Icon: Think of someone you haven't talked to in a long time or haven't seen and tell us who it is and why you'd want to talk to them.

Words with Friends Icon: Tell me about a conversation you've had with your friends today.

Date Icon: If you were to write in your journal about today, what would you say?

Scriptures Icon: Tell us your favorite scripture story.

Phone Icon: We did a fake phone conversation. I pretend to call them and they can make up who they are and we have a short conversation.

Weather Icon: They got to name a few places in the world and we looked up the weather in those areas.

Map Icon: I told them that we look at a map to make decisions and plan where we're going. What decisions good or bad did you make today and what direction did that decision send you.

iPod Icon: Sing us a song you like or tell us about a song you like or let us guess the song if you give us hints.

Email Icon: Anything can be done in email. This was kind of like a free space that they could choose what they wanted to do.

We've had some really good family conversations. I've heard things that I would never have known if we didn't play this. One rule I have for myself is that I can't get mad at their answers. I'm hoping to foster so good communication at dinner. I have plenty of time to get mad at them when they don't clear the table or do the dishes.

So here's to making your family bonds better over dinner.

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