
Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Step in the Right Direction

Pardon my absence from the blogging world. Sometimes the work/life/blog balance just isn't there so I have to let something go while I get back on track! You can guess out of the three, which one I had to let slide....

I know we're getting closer to Valentine's Day and the blog world seems to be filled with hearts and all things pink and red. But honestly my heart isn't in it (no pun intended!) I have never been one to go all crazy over Valentine's Day. I'm a big fan of love and all but Feb. 14th...ehhh, I could take it or leave it. BUT (you knew there was a "but" coming didn't you?) I didn't want to be a complete Debbie Downer so I chose to do something red in honor of the impending love day!

I reached into my thrift store pile and decided to do something with this little step stool. When I see unfinished wood in a thrift store I've gotta grab it!

I sprayed the $1 find "Apple Red"

Sanded it and distressed it a bit. Then pulled out the Modge Podge

Modged Podged some cute black floral scrapbook paper onto it

And I think it turned out pretty cute! My niece has a ladybug themed room so I'm thinking it will be a nice addition to her darling room!

I'm due for another post before V-day so who knows....maybe I'll surprise you with something pink next time!

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