
Friday, June 25, 2010

A bright idea! Mason Jar Candles

I think they reproduce. If I put two canning jars on a basement shelf, two weeks later there are six. I know they are up to something. I have more jars then I do squares in their storage boxes. I can't bring myself to send any to the recycle bin because I do use them....sometimes. I've been known to do a little bit of canning. But let's face it--I'm a working mom and I just don't have the time it would take to can something in every last Mason jar in my house!

So when I put my brain to work to come up with something for this week's post I happened to see the jars on my kitchen counter waiting for their trip to the basement shelf (where they will make babies with other jars) and I thought about my new love for spray painting and an idea was born!

Just like I polka-dotted my pitcher, I used stars on my jars!

I randomly placed the star stickers all over the jar and then gave it a few coats of the frosting spray. I let it dry over night.

And in the morning, when I removed the stickers, I had a great looking jar with lots of stars for my candlelight to shine through!

My little pyromaniac was so excited about these! We immediately had to go outside, pretend it was the 4th of July and see what they looked like all aglow!

I'm so excited to make more of these and put citronella candles in them. We always spend the Fourth on my mom's back patio watching the city fireworks. These will create the perfect ambiance and if filled with citronella, hopefully keep some of the pesky bugs away!

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. So going to do this with my family of mason jars! thanks for the cute idea!! I better get on it before they reproduce any more ;-)

  2. Sweet and simple. Nice job. I'm visiting from Fingerprints on the Fridge. I'd love it if you'd come link up at my Home and Family Friday Linky Party. I host a party every Friday.


  3. Thanks so much, Becca! I joined the party!

  4. OMG, I love these! Using the stickers is such an awesome idea. I'm adding stickers and frosting spray to my shopping list right now. Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. I love it! I use jars for everything--they really do seem to reproduce! Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. amazing. just my style, can use what I have on hand, simple & beautiful result. thanks for sharing!

  7. That is a fabulous idea!!! And I had to laugh about the jars reproducing. It is so true. I may just have to make me some of these. I guess I better get some of that spray paint.

  8. Ooh, love that idea! I have a can of spray in my garage, too! :D

  9. Hi....I just shared your idea on my blog and linked back to here :)

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Hope you wonderful ladies share more ideas when you have time!

    God bless!
