I found this old, beat-up, wooden bowl. It had it's share of stains and it looked pretty neglected but I saw it's potential. It's an amazingly heavy bowl. I grabbed it and ran to the check out!
That's right! Fifty cents baby!

It had bits of the old finish still on it so I sanded that off and then I painted the inside black with acrylic paint.

And because my week wasn't crazy enough, after I took the picture above, my camera battery died. And because we were in the midst of a thunderstorm, I did not want to run to the drugstore to get a new one!
So I'll tell you that I painted the outside with natural stain and then I coated the whole bowl with a shiny, polycrylic top coat to make it shiny and to protect it.
It turned out pretty nice! And those apples....another thrift store find! A while back I found a bag of wood apples for $1.75! My kids love them and for $1.75 I don't really care if they disappear out of the centerpiece and wind up in the play kitchen.
I think I'll fill it with little pumpkins for Halloween! So many possibilities!
Enjoy your long weekend!

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